Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Easy way to injections / tips on painless way to inject medicine

If you're anything like me....your heart stops a beat and your blood pressure drops when you see a needle coming at you.  Have no fear my dear! I have a tip.

I've been injecting myself for over 3 IUI's and now, ivf.  I'm a pro. :) hey, at least I got this technique out of it!

so what you do after you got all your meds in your needle & tapped out the bubbles.

1. find your spot, 2 fingers below your belly button, 2 fingers to the right of that area & left are all good areas.  I've been told that anywhere around the muffin top area is fine as long as they're near your ovaries, but not lower than 2 fingers south of your belly button.

2. wipe with alcohol & let it dry.

3.  pinch the area you're going to insert the needle & with your remainer of fingers, pinch elsewhere. Usually, it will be with your 3rd & 4th finger, pinching  side of your stomach.  Make sure you can feel some pain with that second pinch. 

4.  put your needle at 90degrees to the injection area and push in as you're pinching another area with your 3rd & 4th finger.  you should feel more pain from your 3rd & 4th finger pinch, and not feel the needle as much. 

5. pushing the syringe:  Menopur & Bravelle are painful.  even from the get-go, so more pain you feel, more pain you want to give yourself with your pinch of 3rd & 4th finger, whole point is to divert your pain & control your pinch.  more pain = more pinch.

that's it!  try it- it's much less scary and painful when you think you're causing the pain vs. a foreign object coming into you.  good luck... ;)  Here's a video instruction. Enjoy!


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